Diadochokinetic Rate Quantification in 5 to 14 Year Old Children

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Hafidz Triantoro Aji Pratomo



Background: Diadochokinetic Rate (DDK) is an ability of repeating a series of sounds quickly and repeatedly. This ability is one of variables to measure speaking ability. The need for normative data is important to provide prediction appropriately in order to establish speaking disorder diagnosis. This research aims to find quantitative data (DDK) in 5 to 14 year old children.

Methods: The research employed observational approach. Data was collection was conducted through face-to-face examination with students as enumerator. Each of enumerators has been trained on how to examine and to document data, as indicated with audiovisual recording. Data was collected on January 2020. A total of 100 respondents were included into analysis criteria. Respondents were 5-14 year old normal children. Data analysis was conducted using descriptive analysis.

Results: The research found data of Diadochokinetic Rate quantification at syllable and word levels. Quantification data shows the difference between nonsense syllable words and words. There was a difference of quantitative data in each of age groups. Analysis on examination result was carried out using mean and standard deviation scores.

Conclusion: The finding of research showed recent data of DDK in 5 to 14 year old year children. Data can be used as the material of speech therapy examination analysis. Further researchers are required to see DDK ability broadly in each of age groups. 


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How to Cite
Pratomo, H. T. A. (2021). Diadochokinetic Rate Quantification in 5 to 14 Year Old Children. Jurnal Keterapian Fisik, 11–23. https://doi.org/10.37341/jkf.v0i0.263


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