Perbedaan Pengaruh Penggunaan Prostesis Transtibial Terhadap Kepercayaan Diri Pada Pasien Post Amputasi

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Nur Rachmat


Abstract: The use of prosthesis, Social Status, Confidence. This study aimed to analyze the effect of using transtibial prosthesis (artificial leg) and social status of the self-esteem in patients post transtibial amputation. The design was observational analytic research using cross sectional approach. The population of this study were all patients who come to the post amputation Kuspito Clinic Prosthetic orthotic Karanganyar, Central Java in 2012 by using purposive sampling technique. Independent variables in this study is the use of transtibial prosthesis (artificial leg) and social status, and the dependent variable in this study is the confidence (mentioned measuring devices) patients post transtibial amputation. The first hypothesis test results indicate the probability value (p-value) of 0.000 <α = 0,05 so that H0 rejected and H1 accepted which means that there is the effect of using transtibial prosthesis (artificial leg) against the confidence in patients post transtibial amputation. The second hypothesis test indicates the probability (p-value) of 0,010 <α = 0,05 so that H0 rejected and H1 accepted which means there is the influence of social status on the convenience for patients post transtibial amputation. As well as a third hypothesis test for social status variables obtained probability value (p-value) = 0.542> α = 0.05, while for the variable use of prosthesis obtained probability value (p-value) = 0,000 <α = 0.05. Influence and the associated level of use transtibial prosthesis (artificial leg) against the confidence in transtibial amputation in patients post Kuspito Prosthetic Orthotic Clinic. There is an effect on the level of association of the social status of the self-esteem in patients post amputation transtibial Clinic Kuspito orthotic prosthetic No effect and the level of causality (causal) use of prosthesis transtibial (artificial leg) and social status to increase confidence in patients post amputation transtibial in Kuspito Prosthetic Orthotic clinic.


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How to Cite
Rachmat, N. (2016). Perbedaan Pengaruh Penggunaan Prostesis Transtibial Terhadap Kepercayaan Diri Pada Pasien Post Amputasi. Jurnal Keterapian Fisik, 1(1), 56–63.